I'm sure I'm not the only one who grew up with the saying ‘beauty is pain’. We heard it in hair salons, when the braider would split that last tiny section into 4, or when getting a relaxer and our scalp would burn and we had to wait those extra five minutes before finally getting our hair washed!
Who remembers the painful detangling sessions, sitting in between your mummies, aunties, or big sisters' legs and the comb wouldn’t move an inch but they kept trying anyway? Yes, back then beauty really was pain and in order to achieve a certain look, many women were ready to go through uncomfortable or downright painful experiences.
However, somewhere down the line, we all said: ‘enough!’ We realized and decided that beauty did not at all have to mean pain.
In the last decade, things have slowly but certainly shifted with many women refusing to go through unnecessary and sometimes even dangerous procedures just to look a certain way.
Increased awareness of ingredients and substances has forced the beauty industry and hair care brands to be more responsible. They have to be more transparent with the products they put on the market.
Labels are now being looked at with scrutiny, as they rightly should be.
A fancy ad campaign is not enough anymore. Consumers want to know what goes into the products they are buying. The game has changed and we are finally making progress.
How we started to change 'beauty is pain'
Root2Tip started in a kitchen because no other brand was able to cater to the scalp issues that my family and I were facing.
We had to create something that was not available at the time.
Our aim is to not leave any issue unanswered and to bring solutions to every hair and scalp problem.
We are working endlessly to improve our approach to hair care and to take your matters personally.
Our kitchen is much bigger now. So, we can tackle even bigger problems. However, our heart is still in the same place as where it was when we first started.
We want to bring awareness and be transparent at the same time on what we use and why we use it.
Catering to all hair textures and issues is our goal and we work endlessly to achieve it. Making haircare more convenient for you and giving you products that you can trust is part of our mission.
If you experience scalp issues such as dandruff, dry or itchy scalp, try our Hair oils for relief:
If you are transitioning or trying to implement a healthy routine to grow your hair, try our Just Grow it Hair Kit.
If you take care of your little one's hair and want products that will help you detangle without tears and style with ease, try one of our Hair Kits designed specifically for children’s hair:
There is a solution to every hair problem. At Root2Tip, we do not want you to ever feel like you are alone with a hair or scalp issue.
We're constantly working on new and improved products. We want to bring you solutions to forever change the expression ‘beauty is pain’, as this really doesn't have to be the case anymore!