If you have decided to Colour/bleach your Curls… Take heed:
Coloured Curls on natural heads are trending right now with the hues ranging from Golden Blondes to Rich Cherry Reds. But what about hair damage and caring for your hair whilst you Rock your coloured curls this year!
Going from Black to Blonde Coloured Curls:
Dipping into the Bleach:
When you choose to bleach your curls and you have dark hair already, your hair will be subject to some hair damage. Bleaching the hair involves lifting the melanin from the strands and essentially destroying it. Although there are conditioning ingredients that are mixed with peroxide (the bleaching active ingredient) to lessen the effects of damage, albeit damage will still occur.
Sal Says: Any chemical change you do to your hair will damage it to some degree.When Colouring Natural Curls:
- Decide whether you will be ready to manage the changes in your hair, namely extra dryness!
- Choose a hairdresser who is experienced in colouring hair, especially if you are going lighter!
- Select natural hair products that deliver hydration, moisture and keep your hair healthy.
Our ROOT2TiP Natural Products for Colored Curls will change your LIFE!
Protects Coloured Hair

Quench Your Coloured Curs
Root2tip natural products are safe enough for use on Coloured curls, we recommend:
- Our daily Leave in conditioner and detangler- The Honey rain Juice
- When you have bleached curls you need to prevent breakage we suggest our Quench My Thirst AB creme
- Washing your hair needs extra care- our natural shampoo is gentle and protects Coloured hair from UV rays
- Eliminate dryness with our Grow-it-long serum oil to ensure your coloured curls keep growing
If you decide to colour your Curls… 5 tips to follow:
- Moisturise your hair day and night! Use something like our Triple M Milk that will triple the hydration in you strands by 80%
- 1 x a week do a hot oil treatment with Extra Virgin olive oil or try our Grow-it-long serum oil. Massage your scalp then run it through your hair, cover with a plastic cap overnight then rinse!
- Just add water! By that I mean, rinse your curls through as often as possible in the shower, bath etc. Dry hair breaks….Coloured dry hair breaks even more!
- DEEEEEEP Condition WEEKLY… find a conditioner that will become your friend, our new Curls conditioner will do that or check out our Co-wash and rinse it through your strands to coat them with hair loving conditioning ingredients.
- Do not use products with alcohol or flaky gels! Keep your products natural, they will hug your hair woth loving hydration again I say check out our Triple M Milk
- Make sure you get the right products to help you on the new COLOURED curls hair journey… It's life changing. It's fun!
Love yourself, Love your hair,
Founder, formulator, Hairducation Expert