Can you honestly answer the question ''what's in my hair?''We are all guilty of walking through the hair care aisle and instead of looking at the ingredients list, we pick the packaging that looks the fanciest. Here are three tips on how to quickly read through the ingredients list to find exactly what you need and help you answer that question.
1. Start at the bottom
The bottom of product ingredients lists carries the ingredients that are the least present in the product.
However, they are also very important as they include the preservatives, perfumes, and additives.
Reading from the bottom up will show you ingredients that you might decide against. This saves time, rather than reading through a list of seemingly great ingredients, only to find out at the end that it’s not for you.
2. Search for target ingredients to find out what's in your hair

Some product names do not always guarantee that it’s going to be as effective as it claims. If you’re looking for a protein treatment and the protein component is far down the ingredients list, you might want to reconsider buying it. Search for target ingredients that will cater to your exact need and make sure they are high up the list.
3. Avoid mixing too many brands
Brands use different ingredients in their products to achieve the desired effect. However, they keep the baseline ingredients the same so that the products work well when used one after the other. Mixing different products from a number of different brands can give you variations in results or less effective results.
We at Root2tip have worked for several years to create products that not only have 95% – 98% all-natural ingredients but also work amazingly well to bring results that change your hair game.
Following a simple routine of Pre-poo with our Grow it long Scalp Serum. Follow this up with our Cleanse SLS Free Hair Shampoo.
Follow a simple routine of pre-pooing with our Grow it long Scalp Serum. Follow this up with our Cleanse SLS Free Hair Shampoo. Next, use our Comb-out Co-wash to impart moisture back into your tresses. Finally, our award-winning Quench Anti-breakage Crème will leave your hair in an amazing state for whatever style you want to go for next.