Collection: Dandruff, Sebhorreic dermatitis, Dry itchy flaky scalps

Our products are created with a solution and Scalp1st ethos!  Dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis are members of the same family.  Dandruff is less invasive than seborrheic dermatitis, but both conditions require a good habit of deep cleaning the scalp to control the bacterial and soothing the scalp with a solution that heals and stops the flakes, and itching and slow down excess sebum production.

Use our deep-cleaning shampoo to gently remove the bacteria on the scalp and wash away the flakes.  Soothe a sore itch scalp with our sebum regulating Grow it long scalp serum, 100% natural and scalp friendly.

Scalp conditions require the correct control of bacteria to prevent hair thinning and hair loss if they are left to worsen.